Want to Become a Good Singer like Sayema Sahar? Follow These Simple Steps

Becoming a singer is not an easy task in hand and you have to work really hard on other factors besides carrying all the good talent and dedication. It doesn't matter whether you have practiced for years and months and you also have to pay attention to some of the key factors that can help you to become a good singer. Sayema Sahar who comes over one of the best singers in India also voices her opinion in the same regards.

She said that becoming a singer is not that easy and she herself got to go through a lot of hardships and hassles in the process.  She also said that she has to deal with a lot of pressure and expectations from her gurus and teachers along with the audience around. Well, this is where a singer really has to work a lot with regard to various aspects of his or her life.

Sayema Sahar

Required sleep

 You cannot really concentrate on your signing if you are not having enough sleep during the day. Sleeping helps in calming down your nerve while also putting your mind in to piece. This is where you can concentrate on your singing and deliver your best performance on any given day. Enough sleep ensures that your body and mind have got enough rest and they can now prepare themselves for any given task the next day.

On the other side, people who don't sleep much and aspire to become a singer tend to feel more tired and fatigued during the whole day. So, if you really want to become a good singer, you have to bring a proper sleeping schedule into your daily routine.
Sayema Sahar

 Healthy diet

 Besides enough sleep, a good singer must also follow a balanced diet on a daily basis. Lots of people around are not aware of the fact that consuming certain food items can negatively impact their voice system. Hence they must avoid options like spicy food, acidic food, and fried food that can bring a big amount of phlegm to their throat. If ignored, this can really bring out a lot of negative impact on your singing performance any given day. Sayema Sahar says that an aspiring singer has to follow a balanced diet whilst including all the vegetable fruits and other healthy food items into their diet.

Avoid coffee and other sugary drinks

 This may not sound good to all the coffee lovers but coffee is not been deemed as good to a person who is looking to become a good singer. Coffee dehydrates your vocal cords which would then impact your singing performance big time and eventually, you would then not been able to deliver your best performance on the stage. Sayema Sahar says that even when she is a coffee lover, she avoids having it during her rehearsals or just before singing performances. All those people who cannot avoid having coffee must take a sip of water after every 10 minutes once they have finished with a cup of coffee.

Cleaning your throat

 Besides taking care of sleep and diet, one must also pay proper attention to their throat cleaning process. As per Sayema Sahar, they can gargle with saline warm water on a daily basis in order to clear all the phlegm that might have been created due to unhealthy diet schedules.

Sayema Sahar


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