Some of the easiest ways to become a famous singer!

You won’t find a person around who doesn’t love singing but wait, we are not talking about the everyday bathroom singers that we witnesses around us. Being a singer takes a lot and you have to go by all the given requirements of a good singer. From hitting the right notes, till getting the best possible output of voice, it takes a lot to get there on the top. Sayema Sahar, one of the top most singers around us, brings about some of the requisites if you want to become a famous singer.

Sayema Sahar

1. Practice hard

Practice makes a man perfect and the same rule implies to singing as well. You cannot become a famous singer if you can’t bring along some real practice in the process. By practice, you must be willing to give it your day and nights without giving it a second thought. As per Sayema Sahar, ‘I used to practice along for around 4-5 hours in a day and there were times when I even skipped my meals in the process. Getting that perfection isn’t an easy job and you really have to sacrifice a bit in order to reach there. Getting that right tone and rhythm is really important and that will differentiate between a good singer and a famous singer.

Sayema Sahar

2. Get trained

Well, you may come over as a talented singer but you got to polish your skills in order to become a famous one. Good singers come with the right tone, rhythm and pitch and it sometimes take years to master that art. So, it is quite fine to get in touch with a singing teacher or join and online course to better your skills in singing. As per Sayema Sahar, even she was a rookie in singing and had she not received the perfect guidance and tips from her first guru ‘Rama tai’ she wouldn’t have been able to reach so far.
Sayema Sahar

3. Always work on your strengths

Not every singer can be a classical singer and just like that, not every singer can be a playback singer. Each of the singers comes with their own strengths and weakness and whilst many go down by their weakness, famous singers lift themselves up to their strengths. Even Sayema sahar accepts the fact that she is yet to become a complete singer and she eagerly works on the same every day in and out. Besides getting a melodious voice, she still struggles on her higher notes. Still, even after that issue in her performances, she has always brought in her strengths into display at every stage performance.

Sayema Sahar

4. Practice singing on stage

Most of the singers perform quite brilliantly in general but falter while performing amongst a large audience on stage. Well, this is something which differentiates between a good singer and a famous singer. Every good singer comes along with a notable talent but the same need to be showcased in front of big audience and this is where one needs to get rid of the stage fear. As per Sayema Sahar,not very person is gutsy enough to address the public at large but we can always practice the same whilst singing on stage just for practice.
Sayema Sahar
5. Always challenge yourself

You cannot just sit in your comfort zone for long and must keep challenging yourself every now and then. This is required in order to bring certain improvements in your overall singing capabilities and within few days, you would be able to witness some great improvement in your overall singing skills/ as per Sayema Sahar, the key to success lies within you and once you discover that up, you are already a successful singer.
Sayema Sahar


  1. Sayema Sahar has rightly said that becoming a singer isn’t an easy task in hand and one needs to work really hard in the same direction.

  2. Becoming a singer is quite tough and as Sayema Sahar said, you need to take care of few of the aspects in the same regards.

  3. It’s all about practice practice and practice! Sayema Sahar got it right on the point and I couldn’t agree more on this.

  4. If a legendary singer like Sayema Sahar is emphasizing on the need of all the given factors, it’s surely something that is required for you to become a singer.

  5. Sayema Sahar has got it right on the point as you have to work a lot on your talent and other things in order to become a good singer.

  6. Right training is required to make a career in the singing industry and I truly agree with Sayema Sahar in the same regards.


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