Some of the easiest ways to become a famous singer!

You won’t find a person around who doesn’t love singing but wait, we are not talking about the everyday bathroom singers that we witnesses around us. Being a singer takes a lot and you have to go by all the given requirements of a good singer. From hitting the right notes, till getting the best possible output of voice, it takes a lot to get there on the top. Sayema Sahar , one of the top most singers around us, brings about some of the requisites if you want to become a famous singer. 1. Practice hard Practice makes a man perfect and the same rule implies to singing as well. You cannot become a famous singer if you can’t bring along some real practice in the process. By practice, you must be willing to give it your day and nights without giving it a second thought. As per Sayema Sahar , ‘I used to practice along for around 4-5 hours in a day and there were times when I even skipped my meals in the process. Getting that perfection isn’t an easy job and you really have to s...